To obtain a copy of the new FRSO Program book, reach out to your local FRSO organizers. If you are not in an area where FRSO has an organized district, you can order a copy at tinyurl.com/buyfrsoprogram
The political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization has grown out of a long process of waging struggle against the class enemy, building the people’s movements, and conducting study and analysis of the conditions we live under. The point of knowing the world is to change the world, and this program is a declaration of what this country’s working and oppressed peoples want and need, along with what it will take to get there.
We are an organization that is on the move and that moves others. The FRSO is united in our thinking, our goals, and our demands. The documents below guide us in our efforts toward revolution, socialism, and liberation. Please read them and consider joining us! Please note that additional sections of our program are in progress, such as the immediate demands of various sectors of the people.
- Introduction
- The Enemy: Monopoly Capitalism
- Socialism
- Class in the U.S. and Our Strategy for Revolution
- Immediate Demands of Labor
- Immediate Demands for U.S. Colonies, Indigenous Peoples, Oppressed Nationalities
Purchase a bound paperback copy of our Program
Download a full-page PDF version of our Program (for electronic viewing or full-page printing)
Download a half-page version of our Program for printing as a booklet