By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Labor Commission The Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns Trump and his accomplice Elon Musk for the callous attacks on federal workers. As it stands, tens of thousands of federal workers have been fired or laid off. The terminations have been carried out […]
3 posts
By Labor Commission, FRSO On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses. The members of four unions representing the […]
En Español Download a full-page PDF version of our Program Adopted at the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022. The capitalists are at war with the entire working class. A determined resistance is necessary to defend our rights, dignity, and standard of living. It is the […]