Por la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad El primero de mayo es el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y nos pertenece a nosotros, los trabajadores y oprimidos que continuamos luchando por una mejor vida. Ya que los ricos, la poderosa clase multimillonaria que controla este país, goza de lujos […]
Monthly Archives: April 2016
3 posts
by Freedom Road Socialist Organization May Day is our day. It is International Workers Day. It is a day that is all about us, working and oppressed people, and our fight for a better life. The wealthy, the powerful billionaire class that rules this country, wallow in luxury 365 days […]
Download the Pamphlet PDF version of this document for printing. 2016 foreword: The article “Developing Marxist Organization and the Role of Unit” has long been studied inside Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was written by a leading comrade in the late 1990s to guide an internal campaign to strengthen our organization and […]