Por la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad El primero de mayo es el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y nos pertenece a nosotros, los trabajadores y oprimidos que continuamos luchando por una mejor vida. Ya que los ricos, la poderosa clase multimillonaria que controla este país, goza de lujos […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
by Freedom Road Socialist Organization May Day is our day. It is International Workers Day. It is a day that is all about us, working and oppressed people, and our fight for a better life. The wealthy, the powerful billionaire class that rules this country, wallow in luxury 365 days […]
Download the Pamphlet PDF version of this document for printing. 2016 foreword: The article “Developing Marxist Organization and the Role of Unit” has long been studied inside Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was written by a leading comrade in the late 1990s to guide an internal campaign to strengthen our organization and […]
by Freedom Road Socialist Organization March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is day to celebrate our collective struggle to achieve equality and liberation, to honor the fighters who have come before us, and prepare resistance to all those who would stand in our way. We can never accept things […]