Por Freedom Road Socialist Organization El primero de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores, es un día de lucha. Alrededor del mundo, trabajadores marcharán en contra de la guerra imperialista, para defender los derechos de los inmigrantes en su lucha para proteger sus trabajos y comunidades. Aquí en los […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization May 1st, International Workers Day, is a day of struggle. Around the world, working people will march against imperialist war, to defend the rights of immigrants and to fight to protect their jobs and communities. Here in the United States, May Day has been reborn […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization A call was made by progressives in Colombia, including organizations of campesinos and trade unionists to stand up to “state sponsored violence” by demonstrating on March 6. These massive demonstrations against the paramilitarism of Alvaro Uribe’s Colombian government were a step forward in the struggle […]
La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) está de luto por la muerte del revolucionario colombiano Raul Reyes. El ataque que mató al Cdte. Raul Reyes y a 17 otros de sus camaradas cuando dormían en un campamento temporal dentro del territorio de Ecuador. Sucedió el 1o. de marzo […]
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization mourns the death of Colombian revolutionary Raúl Reyes. The attack that killed Raúl Reyes and 17 others while they slept at a camp inside Ecuador’s territory on March 1 was carried out by the Colombian military and directed by the U.S. government. It was an […]
PDF version By Freedom Road Socialist Organization 2008 foreword: This study was prepared by a leading member of FRSO in the late 1980s. Since then this study has been used extensively inside and outside our organization and it has been reprinted in a number of different political settings. The application of […]
We are publishing the following essay on the life and work of Fred Hampton to coincide with Black History Month, 2008. By Freedom Road Socialist Organization “You can kill a revolutionary but you can’t kill revolution…you can jail a liberator but you can’t jail liberation.” -Fred Hampton Fred Hampton is […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization President Bush and the U.S. government slapped the Colombian people in the face by imposing a 60-year prison term upon Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera. Ricardo Palmera is a hero of the Colombian people. He has dedicated his entire life to the struggle of peasants and […]
Por la Organización Socialista Caminos de Libertad (FRSO) El presidente Bush y el gobierno de ESTADOS UNIDOS (EE.UU) le han dado una cachetada al pueblo de Colombia al dar una condena de 60 años de prisión al revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera.( Simón Trinidad ), quien es un héroe de la […]