www.icsbrussels.org Brussels, 4 May 1999 1. Today, communists all over the world are summing up the first century of socialist revolution, in order to prepare for greater struggles to come and to achieve ever greater victories. They will exert every effort for the 21st century to become the century of […]
174 posts
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Twin Cities/Madison District June 1998 On July 1, 1997 a disaster started unfolding. This disaster is throwing families into the streets and forcing people to go hungry. As the disaster spreads further, thousands will be engaged in slave labor; wages will fall for all working […]
This paper was delivered at the 1998 May Day conference hosted by the Workers Party of Belgium, which is an annual conference that brings together socialists and communists from around the world. This document and others from the conference are also available at the website of the Workers Party of […]