Los capitalistas están en una guerra con toda la clase obrera. Una resistencia determinada es necesaria para defender nuestros derechos, dignidad, y calidad de vida. Es la clase obrera multinacional quien crea todas las cosas de valor en este país. Entendemos que la clase dirigente, los capitalistas monopolistas, nunca nos […]
9th Congress
Adoptado en el noveno Congreso de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad en primavera de 2022. Un futuro socialista Una revolución es necesaria para poner fin al capitalismo. Los capitalistas monopólicos y sus diputados políticos nunca van a ceder pacíficamente su poder por su propia voluntad — deben ser […]
La explotación, desigualdad, y opresión no son cosas que “solo ocurren”. Todo lo malo de este país es producto de un sistema: el capitalismo monopolista. El capitalismo no siempre ha existido – tuvo un principio, y definitivamente tendrá un fin. La manera en que funciona este sistema no es un […]
Adoptado en el noveno Congreso de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad en primavera de 2022. El programa político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad ha crecido después de un proceso largo de luchar contra el enemigo de clase, construir los movimientos populares, y realizar investigación y […]
Adopted at the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022 The United States is an imperialist power in decline — what Lenin called “moribund capitalism.” While this decline has been taking place since the ‘70s, the rate of decline is accelerating. The last four years, (2017-2021) have […]
Adopted at the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022 Introduction A Marxist analysis of the international situation is of real importance for grasping our tasks as revolutionaries in the U.S., as well as understanding the terrain we are fighting on. The U.S. financial oligarchy is at […]
En Español Download a full-page PDF version of our Program Adopted at the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022. The capitalists are at war with the entire working class. A determined resistance is necessary to defend our rights, dignity, and standard of living. It is the […]
Adopted at the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022. As anti-imperialists and proletarian internationalists, Freedom Road Socialist Organization supports the heroic national liberation struggle of the people of Palestine to liberate every inch of their land, to secure their rights to self-determination and Return, and to […]
Adopted at the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization in spring 2022. Introduction The 2008 financial crisis, the greatest since the Great Depression of the 1930s, exposed the fundamental weakness of U.S. monopoly capital and ushered in a new period of relative economic decline. The relative economic decline of […]