Descargue un folleto imprimible de media hoja o cuarto de hoja de esta declaración Read this statement in English Por la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad A través del mundo, el Día Internacional de las Mujeres siempre ha sido más que una celebración – es un día de lucha. […]
International Women's Day
3 posts
You can download a printable flyer of this statement either in color or grayscale. Download a poster version of the cover art of this statement here. March 8th is celebrated around the world as International Women’s Day. In the United States, the rights of women, including reproductive rights, are currently […]
Across the world for more than 100 years, March 8th has been a day to honor the contributions of women to the people’s struggle. International Women’s Day is a day to build resistance to gender-based oppression. Freedom Road Socialist Organization will take this celebration into the streets with marches and […]