Introduction The United States has constructed an empire of exploitation and oppression that spans the globe. A solid analysis of the contradictions that exist on a world scale is vital to understanding economic and political developments here at home. Be it the issue of the outsourcing of jobs to the […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Decline of American Power, Era of Rising Struggle In this document we analyze the current conditions of U.S. imperialism within the borders of the United States, and the current state of the peoples' movements. Starting with a common analysis that flows from a common framework is essential to organizing and […]
Introduction: The Recent Economic Crisis In December of 2007, the United States entered a recession. Nine months later, the failure of investment bank Lehman Brothers triggered a financial crisis that spread across the Atlantic to Europe. As the recession in the United States and Europe deepened, the world economic crisis […]
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization is pleased to present the Main Political Report, voted on and passed at our 7th Congress in the summer. The three sections – the U.S. Economy, Domestic Political Report and the International Report – describe the societal conditions in which we organize and struggle for […]