El 27 de noviembre, el Líbano y el gobierno israelí, que cuenta con el respaldo de los Estados Unidos y el apartheid, implementaron un alto el fuego. Hezbolá, un poderoso ejército en el Medio Oriente que lucha por liberar a Palestina, combatió a Israel hasta detenerlo. El Ejército Libanés ya […]
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the ongoing U.S.-backed aggression against Syria. President Bashar Al-Assad has been forced to flee the country, and now sits in exile in Moscow. What is clear is that the Syrian government has collapsed. This blatant assault on Syrian sovereignty is part of a larger […]
By Mick Kelly, Freedom Road Socialist Organization Comrades and friends: On behalf of the Central Committee, and indeed the entire membership of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, we thank the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and its member organizations for organizing this important conference. We salute all of you who […]
On November 27, Lebanon and the U.S.-backed apartheid government of Israel enacted a ceasefire. Hezbollah, a powerful army in the Middle East fighting to free Palestine, fought Israel to a standstill. The Lebanese Army is already reporting that Israeli occupation forces have breached the terms of the ceasefire multiple times […]
Entonces, sucedió. El tonto racista y reaccionario Donald Trump regresa a la Casa Blanca, y los republicanos dominarán el Congreso. La polarización de la vida política estadounidense se está agudizando y profundizando. Los revolucionarios y los progresistas tenemos una tarea difícil por delante. Habrá mucho tiempo para analizar lo que […]
The re-election of Donald Trump and the dominance of Republicans in Congress sends a loud and painful message: the system is broken, and those at the helm don’t care about working people, oppressed nationalities, or the marginalized. We in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization understand that the time is now […]
The re-election of Donald Trump and the dominance of Republicans in Congress sends a loud and painful message: the system is broken, and those at the helm don’t care about working people, oppressed nationalities, or the marginalized. We in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization understand that the time is now […]
So, it happened. The racist, reactionary fool Donald Trump is returning to the White House, and Republicans will dominate Congress. The polarization of American political life is sharpening and deepening. Revolutionaries and progressives have some heavy lifting ahead of us. There is going to be plenty of time to analyze […]
La OSCL urge a nuestros miembros y simpatizantes a que salgan a las calles y organicen las protestas más amplias posibles el día después de las elecciones del 5 de noviembre. Sin importar el resultado, debemos seguir apoyando a Palestina y oponernos a la guerra cada vez más amplia de […]