Español | PDF version By Freedom Road Socialist Organization In 2006 there was a huge upsurge in the Immigrant Rights movement, peaking on May 1, when some two million people marched across the country. At the core of this movement is the struggle of Chicanos, Mexicanos, and Central Americans for self-determination and […]
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PDF version By Freedom Road Socialist Organization 2008 foreword: This study was prepared by a leading member of FRSO in the late 1980s. Since then this study has been used extensively inside and outside our organization and it has been reprinted in a number of different political settings. The application of […]
PDF version | En Español (The following document is a portion of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was adopted at our 5th Congress. The first edition of the Program was published in 2022. Other parts of the program are still in the process of development.) To […]
Download a full-page PDF version of our Program The struggles of colonized, indigenous, and oppressed nationality peoples have been part and parcel of the peoples’ struggle against U.S. imperialism. Historically, these struggles, and in particular the African American liberation movement, have dealt blows against the system, and won reforms that […]
Download the Pamphlet PDF version of this document for printing. By Freedom Road Socialist OrganizationMay 2006 By all accounts, the Third International paid close attention to the development of the communist movement in the United States, and in doing so it made real contributions to practical and theoretical efforts of […] Brussels, 4 May 1999 1. Today, communists all over the world are summing up the first century of socialist revolution, in order to prepare for greater struggles to come and to achieve ever greater victories. They will exert every effort for the 21st century to become the century of […]