By Freedom Road Socialist Organization May 1 is International Workers Day, a day to celebrate the struggle of the working class and oppressed peoples and nations against exploitation and oppression. All around the world, millions of people will be marching against the capitalists’ policies of austerity and war. In the […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization March 8, 2010 will mark 100 years of International Women’s Day. Around the world people will celebrate the contributions of women in the movements to end inequality and exploitation, to insist on the complete liberation of women and to look forward to the day when […]
Printable PDF flyer version of this statement Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) statement on March 4 Today education is under attack. Tuition and fee hikes are closing the doors to higher education. Working class and even many middle class college students are being forced out or are taking on crushing […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, March 2010 The March 4 national day of action for education was a huge success! Over 100,000 people marched, rallied and took action at over 100 schools and colleges. The biggest protests were in California, both on college campuses and in city streets. College students […]
This article is reprinted from Fight Back! News. By Staff | January 16, 2010 The Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met over the 2009 winter break to discuss education rights, building a movement against war and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, fighting racism on campus and supporting […]
From: Freedom Road Socialist Organization To: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Dear Comrades, We salute the leaders and members of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary your founding. We place a great value on the militant friendship between our organizations, […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the escalation of the bloody and unjust U.S. war in Afghanistan. We condemn the decision made by the White House and Pentagon to ‘surge’ over 30,000 U.S. and NATO forces into Afghanistan in an attempt to stabilize a failing occupation […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Protest in Newark, NJ Across the country, more working people are losing our jobs and our homes. Each week, the ranks of those running out of our unemployment benefits grow. In every state, public schools and programs that serve poor and working people are being […]
By Josh Sykes for the Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization Thousands of union workers, faculty, undergrads and graduate students across the University of California system stood up and said “no more!” to the severe budget cuts, layoffs, furloughs and tuition hikes. On Sept. 24, they stood up […]