• Liberation Party (Argentina)
• Workers Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA)
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD)
• New Communist Party of Britain
• Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
• Fronte Popolare (Italy)
• Communist Party of the Philippines
• International League of Peoples’ Struggles – Jose Maria Sison
• Communist Party, Sweden
• The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP)
• Socialist Unity Party (USA)
• Workers World Party (USA)
• United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
Liberation Party (Argentina)

Buenos Aires, May 23, 2022
Liberation Party of Argentina (PL)
To the comrades of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO)
From Argentina, the Liberation Party sends revolutionary fraternal greetings to the comrades of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) in celebration of your 9th National Congress.
Our Marxist-Leninist and San Martin-ist party has watched for many years as your excellent political work has won over more and more people, especially through the large protests following the assassination of George Floyd. We also know, through your newspaper, of your activity in the movement of the working class, and your solidarity shown to all those throughout the world who fight against Imperialism.
We take advantage of this time to show fraternal solidarity with your Marxist-Leninst organization. In these difficult times which face the working class and the peoples of the world, it’s important for revolutionary organizations to strengthen our anti-imperialist unity, alongside other friendly parties and organizations.
Our party urges that we all remain vigilant against Imperialist atrocities and the advance of fascism against the peoples of the world.
The comrades of the Liberation Party (PL) of Argentina express our decision to continue strengthening our relationship. We greet the comrades of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) who hold high their fighting banner, and urge you maintain your communist principles. This is important now more than ever, as we face the crisis of capitalism and Imperialism, and during the war in which NATO, the US, and neonazis are fighting alongside one another in the Ukraine. There is much inequality and poverty in the world.
It has only been a few days since we signed, along with with 26 others, a declaration commemorating the victory of the USSR against the Third Reich.
Secretariat of International Relations of the Liberation Party (PL) of Argentina
Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA)

To the delegates of the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Brussels, 21 May 2022
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA), we congratulate the Freedom Road Socialist Organization with the holding of its 9th Congress.
Your Congress takes place even as the war in Ukraine is still raging and the US, NATO, the EU and European states are intensifying its militarist and imperialist approach, refusing to take an alternative path of dialogue, international understanding and cooperation.
Indeed, we are living times of intensifying conflict and political instability, resulting from the deep and multiple crisis of world capitalism, with a catastrophic economic, social, democratic and ecological impact.
For the broad working class and its political representatives to meet these enormous challenges, a sustained struggle for social and democratic rights, for peace, people’s rights and climate justice is needed more than ever.
The FRSO has been very active in organizing mass protests following the murder of George Floyd and your organisation has also played an active role in the growing workers’ movement. This should indeed constitute a fertile ground for realizing your objectives of growth and expansion in more cities and areas. Parties like ours also consciously try to be harbingers of hope, placing our activity in the perspective of a radically different society, a society that takes the needs of the working class and the common people at heart, a socialist society.
We wish you success with your Congress, and we are eager to learn more about its results.
Comradely greetings,
Bert De Belder
Head, Department of International Relations
Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA)
171 bd. M. Lemonnier, 1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 50 40 114
[email protected]
Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD)

Member of ICOR
Central Committee
Department for Internationalism
Schmalhorststrße 1c
45899 Gelsenkirchen
+49 (0) 209 95194-63
+49 (0) 209 9519460
Dear comrades of Freedom Road Socialist Organisation,
The Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) and its youth league Rebell send you warmest revolutionary greetings to your 9th Congress. We congratulate you for your growing role in the struggle against racism, in the struggle of the workers, and especially for the successful building of your organization. You have fought courageously and successfully against anti-communism and state oppression. It is of utmost significance for the victory of socialism that revolutionary parties and organizations in the entire world are strengthened.
We are now experiencing developments of a new quality. With the begin of the war in Ukraine, an economic, political, military and ecological world crisis has developed. The imperialist world system is destabilizing at an accelerated pace. In this phase the question is: either there will be a 3rd World War – or the working class and the popular masses actively resist and overcome imperialism in an international socialist revolution. The MLPD strongly supports the building of the international antifascist and anti-imperialist united front. We would very much welcome your participating in building this united front, as you are struggling in the country which is the main warmonger in the world.
In the course of many years, MLPD and Freedom Road Socialist Organization have developed friendly relations and have organized mutual support. It was very important that we organized mutual visits. Even in questions in which we have differences of opinion, the discussion was always led in solidarity and objectively. You contributed a lot to developing our knowledge and evaluation of the development of class struggle in the USA and to reports in our publications. In Germany there is great interest in the development of the working-class movement in the USA and the continuation of its revolutionary tradition.
We hope that we will extend, deepen and consolidate our relations in future, and we are looking forward to your visit to Germany at the end of August to the celebrations on the 40th anniversary of the MLPD.
We wish your Congress great success!
Workers of all countries, unite!
Workers of all countries and all oppressed, unite!
Onward to the international socialist revolution!
Anton Weil
International Department of the MLPD
New Communist Party of Britain

PO Box 73
London SW11 2PQ
tel; 0207 223 4052
email:[email protected]
Standing Committee
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Dear Comrades,
The New Communist Party of Britain sends its warmest greetings to our comrades readying for the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organisation this summer. As the storm clouds gather across the globe communists join the forces of national liberation closing ranks behind the people of the Donbas fighting with their Russian allies to drive the Ukrainian fascists out of their land while struggling to build the resistance to the austerity regimes that have been imposed on the working class throughout the imperialist heartlands.
Getting the communist answer to the capitalist crisis heard on the street is a major task for all communists in the West. Putting the socialist alternative back on the labour movement agenda is another. Fighting for peace and an end to imperialist wars is the third.
In the United States your comrades have played an important role in the mass struggle against racism and creeping fascism and we are sure you will play an even greater one in the future. Your congress will chart the way forward for the future and we look forward to its conclusions in the near future.
All the best,
Andy Brooks
General Secretary
New Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

May 25, 2022
Dear comrades,
The KKE would like to convey to you its comradely greetings on the occasion of your 9th Congress.
Our Party is following with great interest the action you develop on a wide range of issues that concern the working class in the United States, your efforts in the labor movement and the movements for the political and social rights of the oppressed strata, for the rights of immigrants, the youth, and students. We appreciate your express of solidarity with all the peoples of the world who are struggling against imperialist crimes, interventions, and wars.
30 years after the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, all those who celebrated and promised a world of peace, security, freedom, and justice have been roundly refuted. Today, a new barbaric imperialist war has broken out. For at least a decade now, the people of Ukraine have been paying for the competition and interventions for the division of markets and spheres of influence between, on the one hand, the US, NATO, the EU, and the Euro-Atlantic enlargement strategy and, on the other hand, the strategy of the bourgeoisie and the capitalist state of the Russian Federation, which is pursuing its own exploitative plans at the expense of the peoples to strengthen its own coalition in the former USSR region.
The myth of governments that would supposedly provide an alternative for the peoples within the framework of the capitalist system is today being debunked once again in history. In the USA, the Biden administration has been portrayed as supposedly progressive against the reactionary Trump and, today, is leading the anti-popular policies against the US people, escalates dangerous imperialist plans in competition with Russia and capitalist China, continues the unacceptable blockade against Cuba and its people, undermining the conquests of the Cuban revolution.
The overall developments underscore even more strongly the historically outdated character of capitalism —which has nothing to provide to the peoples but wars, poverty, and misery— and the necessity of Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties rooted in the working class, which will graft the contemporary strategy for the overthrow of capitalism, for socialism, onto the daily struggles.
With these thoughts, we would like to wish you success in the works of your Congress for the further development of class struggle and internationalist solidarity, under the conditions of the intensification of capital’s offensive and the sharpening of inter-imperialist antagonisms internationally..
International Relations Section of the Central Committee of the KKE
Fronte Popolare (Italy)

Milan, 23 May 2022
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Standing Committee of the Central Committee
Dear Comrades,
Fronte Popolare (Italy) hereby sends the most fraternal greetings to the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The relations between our organizations are intense and long-standing. We are connected with you by a deep sharing of analysis and political culture. We are confident that the results of your congressional work will enrich our reflections.
The historical moment we are living is dramatic and fraught with danger. The decline of U.S. imperialism’s planetary hegemony has increased its aggressiveness. The Biden administration has not hesitated to provoke a war on European soil, that between Russia and Ukraine, endangering the survival of all humankind: it has done so to sever the concatenations of interests between the major players on the Eurasian chessboard. The goal is clear: to achieve a “new American century,” once again sacrificing the prosperity and security of peoples around the world, but also of the American people.
Your country’s internal circumstances are changing, however. The growing poverty undermines the hegemonic control of the oligarchies of financial capital over the working classes. The repressive brutality of the state machinery arouses outrage and prompts many to question the status quo. More and more Americans are opening their eyes, are willing to struggle, and are questioning the role of the United States worldwide and how to reconcile it with their own material interests and a renewed and widespread aspiration for peace.
In this context, the role of a vanguard organization like FRSO is strengthened. The growth of your organization is a symptom of your increasing ability to act as an interpreter of your role in this difficult historical phase.
We witness with interest and enthusiasm the general growth of the left in the U.S. This is a fact of extraordinary importance to all sincere democrats everywhere. FRSO is in a position and duty to play an important role in stabilizing this trend. On the depth of your analysis and the correctness of your strategy will depend your ability to offer a concrete, coherent and revolutionary political perspective to the sentiments and aspirations maturing among the working classes.
Leftists, socialists and communists on both sides of the Atlantic have long common work and common responsibilities ahead of them. In recent years, Europeans have been inspired by episodes of struggle such as the Amazon workers’ strike and movements such as the anti-racist wave that followed the murder of George Floyd by a policeman. These are just two examples of how phenomena born within American society can have an immediate influence on the maturation of a more advanced consciousness in Europe as well.
This is why your 9th Congress draws our keenest attention. We feel a responsibility to continue the vital exchange of experience and joint work with your organization. This is not just a matter of reaffirming our adherence to Marxist internationalism: it is a practical urgency imposed by a world that has never before been as interconnected as it is now. On our common ability to give birth to a vibrant and dynamic internationalism depends, now more than ever, our ability to be what we aim to be and what we must be.
We are confident that, after the conclusion of your congressional work, we will soon be able to discuss how we can together continue to carry out our duty as revolutionaries. For this reason we have been, are and will always be at your side.
In solidarity,

Alessio Arena
Head of International Commission
Fronte Popolare (Italy)
Communist Party of the Philippines

Solidarity with the 9th Congress of the
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Communist Party of the Philippines
May 23, 2022
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its revolutionary greetings to the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). We are confident that the leaders and members of the FRSO will steer the congress to success and make it serve as inspiration and guide for the working class and toiling people of the USA in waging resistance against class exploitation and all other forms of oppression.
The CPP congratulates the FRSO for its steadfast promotion of Marxism-Leninism and the continued growth of its organization. We look forward to your plans to establish a national office as an important step towards establishing FRSO branches in more cities across the United States.
The CPP and revolutionary forces in the Philippines deeply appreciate the important role being played by the FRSO in the rising mass struggles across the United States, including the widespread protest movement that followed the murder of George Floyd in 2020, and in the growing workers’ movement.
In the United States, as well as in the Philippines and across the world, the monopoly capitalist banks and corporations are intensifying the exploitation of workers and other toiling classes, and aggravating the oppression of peoples and entire nations. In the face of heightening rivalry with other rising imperialist powers, the US is intensifying armed conflicts and instigating wars which cause widespread destruction to lives, livelihood and the environment.
While the US and other imperialist countries resort to increasingly protectionist policies, neocolonial economic measures are imposed on backward neocolonial countries. These are subjugated and subjected to wholesale imperialist plunder of resources, exploitation of workers, dumping of surplus commodities and unmitigated export of capital in the form of loans.
The CPP celebrates every achievement and victory of the FRSO as we collectively resist against our common enemy. In the same way, the achievements and victories of the CPP and the Philippine revolution are its own contributions to the general effort of the oppressed and exploited peoples to advance the cause socialist and national democratic revolutions.
International League of Peoples’ Struggles – Jose Maria Sison

By Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson Emeritus
International League of Peoples’ Struggle
May 23, 2022
Dear Comrades,
As Chairperson Emeritus of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (FRSO), I wish to convey warmest greetings of solidarity to the Central Committee and entirety of Freedom Road Socialist Organization on the occasion of its 9th Congress.
I salute you and congratulate you for all your efforts, sacrifices and achievements in arousing, organizing and mobilizing the American proletariat and people in anti-imperialist and and democratic mass struggles in the direction of socialism.
You have played a major role in building the worker’s movement and becoming the largest Marxist-Leninist organization in the US. We share your joy in opening a national office in the next few months. We hope that this will inspire the expansion and consolidation of your socialist organization in many more cities.
We are ever grateful to FRSO for consistently supporting the proletariat and people of the world in their struggles for national liberation, democracy and socialism against imperialism and all reaction. We are bound together by the principles of anti-imperialist solidarity and proletarian internationalism.
We wish you the utmost success in summing up and learning lessons from your experience, building further on your strengths and overcoming weaknesses and shortcomings, setting forth the correct ideological, political and organizational tasks and aiming for ever greater victories and for a new and higher level of development.
Jose Maria Sison
Chairperson Emeritus
International League of Peoples’ Struggle
Communist Party, Sweden
Kommunistiska Partiet
Box 311 87
400 32 Göteborg
[email protected]
Gothenburg, 220525

To the 9th congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization
From the Communist Party, Sweden, we send warm greetings to the delegates of the 9th congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
We follow with interest the work of the FRSO and welcome the good news that you’re growing as an organization and that you’re about to open a national office soon. We know that your party is actively involved in the ongoing struggles of the working class, and we also follow with interest the wave of strikes and trade union organization in the US; not least at Amazon, a modern symbol of monopoly capitalism.
I will also take this opportunity to tell you a little about our struggles here in Sweden. As you will be well aware the Swedish social democratic government, together with the capitalist class it represents, not least the arms industry, is pulling Sweden even further in under US imperialism with its application to join Nato.
The war in Ukraine is being used as the pretext, but the Swedish defense department has already for years been taking its orders from the White House and the Pentagon, with the Host Nation Support agreement with Nato and the refusal to ratify the UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons – after pressure from then US secretary of defense James ”Mad Dog” Mattis – are only two examples.
The social democratic party only officially changed their view on Nato membership as late as two weeks ago, and over the last few weeks our party has helped organizing demonstrations all over the country against Nato, with the largest being held here in Gothenburg.
It’s a difficult struggle, with very intense pro-Nato propaganda in the media, but we are doing what we can to counter the propaganda war, and our weekly newspaper Proletären is growing slowly but surely.
We hope you will have good discussions and a good congress, which strengthens the FRSO in your struggles to advance the positions of the working class in the US. We also look forward to receive information about the results of the congress.
Comradely greetings
Marcus Jönsson, international secretary
Communist Party, Sweden
The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP)

Esteemed comrades,
We congratulate you are holding the 9th Congress of your organization, Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). We are following the struggles of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the United States closely. The new wave of peoples’ rebellions began with France and Sudan and manifested itself as a rage of peoples of the United States against racist police terror and weakening socio-economic conditions. As a reply, the Biden administration, organized reactionarism, and US capitalism are strangling workers with more inflation rates, threats against women’s rights, and more spending on police forces and the military. Their propaganda of “green capitalism” fell so quickly.
However, this new wave of struggles and the pandemic capitalism pushed the working classes’ struggles forward. This reality demonstrates itself currently as bread rebellions in Sri Lanka and Iran and strikes across European countries, Canada, and the United States. These struggles show us that as the working class unites, as we cooperate under its roof, we can gain success and advance our struggles for socialism.
It is empowering news for us that your organization is playing a role in the US working-class struggle. As a working-class party from Turkey, it is our wish that our friends and comrades from the USA unite within the working class struggle and throw this barbaric system into the dustbin of history once and for all.
Down with capitalism and imperialism!
Long live revolution and socialism!
Long live the unity, solidarity, and struggle of the world’s working class and oppressed peoples!
Long live working-class internationalism!
International Bureau – The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP)
Socialist Unity Party (USA)

May 23, 2022
Dear Comrades of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization,
The Socialist Unity Party and Struggle for Socialism/La Lucha por el Socialismo send you warm greetings of solidarity on the occasion of your Ninth Congress. We congratulate you on your work and growth and wish you a productive and successful gathering.
For decades, FRSO has played an exemplary role in the class struggle in the United States. You have fought in the streets and communities against racism and police terror and for community control of police and organized on the for union rights on the shop floor. You have defended the rights of immigrants and fought against imperialist war. We salute your role in helping rebuild the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and in the Black Lives Matter uprising following the murder of George Floyd.
Our organizations share the Leninist understanding that the fight against national oppression and for the right of oppressed nations to self-determination is fundamental to the liberation of the working class. We share that same view on the importance of the struggle for women’s and LGBT rights and against gender oppression. We have a common outlook on the need to defend all actually existing socialist states as well as all oppressed nations seeking to free themselves from the stranglehold of imperialism. We stand together in solidarity with liberation struggles from Palestine to Colombia to the Philippines.
We are writing at a dangerous time for humanity and our planet. The outmoded system of
capitalist class rule is in a death spiral and threatens to take humanity with it. Public health disaster, looming climate catastrophe, shortages, inflation, economic collapse and imperialist war are ultimately manifestations of the fundamental contradiction of capitalism-the intensifying conflict between the explosive growth of the productivity of labor and the limits of the limits of capitalist ownership of the means of production.
The apparent victory of US imperialism in the “Cold War” 30 years ago-hailed by our class
enemy as the triumph of their vile racist system and even the “end of history”-only intensified that contradiction. The monopoly capitalist class and its political and military servants have no answer to their crisis but war and destruction. The past three decades have seen them move from the genocidal war against Iraq to a proxy war against Russia that threatens to escalate to nuclear confrontation. And now they openly threaten war with the Peoples Republic of China.
The crisis facing humanity calls for the revolutionary intervention of the working class in our own class interest, which requires revolutionary leadership. The need for revolutionary organizations of Leninist orientation to cooperate has never been greater, and we look forward to our organizations’ working together ever more closely to that end.
In the immortal words of Che Guevara, “The present is struggle, the future is ours!”
Workers and oppressed people of all countries unite! We have a world to win!
National Coordinating Committee
Socialist Unity Party
Workers World Party (USA)

Solidarity message to Ninth Congress from WWP
Dear Comrades of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Workers World Party sends our solidarity greetings to the Ninth Congress of FRSO. We know, from our own efforts, how difficult it is to build a revolutionary workers’ party in the center of world imperialism, and we congratulate FRSO for its consistent pro-working-class and anti-imperialist positions, which it has maintained throughout the decades, despite the direct repression from the class enemy. We value our relations of mutual support and solidarity to resist that repression and for joining in the support of worker organizing drives, anti-racist actions and anti-war actions that have provided evidence of that solidarity.
Long live the unity of the working class and of all oppressed nationalities! Defend the rights of all sectors of the population experiencing special oppressions! Down with U.S. imperialism and its imperialist allies!
We both know the enemy is at home. But we also know we have friends at home. Long live the friendly relations of FRSO and WWP!
Central Committee, WWP
May 22, 2022
United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization Caracas, April, 26 2022
Standing Committee of the Central Committee
Dear Comrades:
I am writing to you to extend a fraternal revolutionary greeting on behalf of the working class of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and at the same time congratulate you for holding the 9th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
In this regard, as a member of the Venezuelan trade union movement, on behalf of our working class and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, I would like to thank you for the support you have always shown to the Venezuelan people and to our government, which is led by our brother Nicolás Maduro Moros, a worker-leader who is in charge of directing our people’s emancipatory process, after our Commander Hugo Chávez.
I would also like to recognize the leadership that the FSRO has had over the years, maintaining an important presence in the labor movement and in the liberation movement of Afro-descendants in USA and abroad.
Likewise, I would like to emphasize the Venezuelan people recognize themselves as friends of the US people and also as friends of peoples all around the world who struggle peacefully to prove that another model is possible – one where human beings come before wealth accumulation.
Finally, I would like to ratify you the invitation to attend to THE WORKERS’ SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS – TIJUANA 2022, between June 10 and 12. This initiative aims to counteract the Summit of the Americas organized by the US state department from June 6 to 10 in Los Angeles, California, where the sovereign governments of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua were excluded.
In closing, accept the assurance of my highest consideration.

Francisco A. Torrealba
Vice President of the Working Class
United Socialist Party of Venezuela