Freedom Road Socialist Organization wants to send a message to express its solidarity with the people of Venezuela and the Bolivarian Government of President Hugo Chavez. We congratulate and support your powerful stand for the people and against U.S. Imperialism despite continued attempts to overthrow the popularly-elected Venezuelan Government. Venezuela […]
Daily Archives: August 10, 2004
3 posts
Freedom Road Socialist Organization salutes the heroic Colombian people’s fight for national liberation from U.S. Imperialism. We denounce the role of U.S. corporations in Colombia such as Coca-Cola, BP Amoco, Occidental Oil, and Drummond Coal. They hire death squads to repress the militant trade union movement and try to divide […]
Freedom Road Socialist Organization supports the Palestinian Intifada and resistance against terrorist Israeli occupation, and mourns the lives of over 3,000 Palestinians who have been killed since the Intifada began in September of 2000. The heroic people of Palestine have struggled for over 56 years for justice and independence, since […]