Una vida dedicada a la revolución, el internacionalismo proletario y al Marxismo-Leninismo Por Freedom Road Socialist Organization El 25 de noviembre del 2016 los trabajadores y pueblos oprimidos de todo el mundo perdieron a un gigante con el fallecimiento de Fidel Castro Ruz. La vida de Fidel debe ser honrada, […]
Monthly Archives: November 2016
A life dedicated to revolution, proletarian internationalism and Marxism-Leninism Statement by Freedom Road Socialist Organization On Nov. 25, 2016 workers and oppressed peoples of the entire world lost a giant with the passing of Fidel Castro Ruz. Fidel lived a life worth honoring, studying and emulating. He was a key […]
Sobre los resultados electorales del 9 de noviembre, el secretario político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) Steff Yorek dijo “Trump es un tóxico promotor de ataques racistas anti-inmigrante y anti-musulmán, como también es un enemigo de las mujeres. Su campaña populista de derecha atrajo a todas […]
Commenting on the outcome of the elections, Nov. 9, Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Political Secretary Steff Yorek stated, “Trump is a toxic promoter of racist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attacks. He is an enemy of women. His right-wing populist campaign was a magnet that drew of everything reactionary and backwards in […]
By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Thousands of Native people have rallied at Standing Rock, North Dakota, to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). This is one of the largest protests by Native Americans in decades, as Native people and their supporters came from across the country stop the ecological disaster […]