Dear Comrades: We convey our warmest revolutionary greetings on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Your achievements are many and we stand with you in your struggle to liberate the Philippines from the yoke of U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat […]
Yearly Archives: 2019
Freedom Road Socialist Organization stands in opposition to the wave of political repression that is being unleashed in the Philippines. The U.S.-backed regime of President Duterte has carried out a series of raids on homes and offices, jailing more than 60 participants in the progressive and national democratic movement. According […]
The following speech was delivered by Fight Back! editor Mick Kelly at a Minneapolis October, 2019 celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese revolution. Kelly is a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and is responsible for its […]
En inglés (El siguiente documento es una porción del programa político del Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Fue adoptado en nuestro quinto Congreso. Otras partes del programa todavía están en el proceso de desarrollo.) Para cambiar la sociedad y poner fin a la opresión, necesitamos un plan para subir desde donde […]
Washington, DC — “The Freedom Road Socialist Organization strongly condemns the mass murder carried out in El Paso,” said Masao Suzuki, chair of the FRSO Joint Nationalities Commission. Of the shooter he said, “With a Twitter account liking the hashtag BuildtheWall and a photo of guns spelling Trump, it is […]
Freedom Road Socialist Organization joins with people around the globe in condemning the German authorities for trampling on the rights of those who fight for the liberation of Palestine. On June 22, the German government banned prominent Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat from speaking at an event against Trump’s “deal of […]
Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) had the honor May 2 of meeting with Blanca Eekhout, Minister of Communes and Social Movements and a member of the National Directorate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Despite having lost her voice during the […]
Dear Comrades, It has been 50 glorious years since the Communist Party of the Philippines founded the New People’s Army, and Freedom Socialist Organization sends our warmest greetings to your commanders and fighters on this significant occasion. From modest beginnings, the New People’s Army has grown into a mighty force […]
Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met with Jacobo Torres, May 6, the international relations coordinator for the Central of Bolivarian Socialist Workers (CBST) and a member of the international relations commission of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). He also is a delegate […]