The Spanish translation of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization is now available as a paperback book. We hope that this new translation will help to bring revolutionary ideas to a wider audience, including the Chicano liberation and immigrant rights movement. FRSO is an organization that recognizes the […]
Yearly Archives: 2023
by FRSO Labor Commission The 2023 Teamster/UPS Contract negotiations are here and every class in the U.S. is watching them like a hawk. Workers want to see a serious blow struck against a massive corporation and the ruling class wants to see an increasingly militant labor movement put down. The […]
Additional felony charges mean we must strengthen resistance Tampa, FL – Florida state prosecutor Justin Diaz it trying to put the Tampa 5 in prison. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) members, arrested at a campus protest against the racist agenda of Governor Ron DeSantis, each face a trumped-up […]
A major online fundraising event featuring Frank Chapman – of the FRSO Central Committee and Executive Director of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression – will take place on the evening of May 25. The event, which will also feature Labor Commission Chair Cherrene Horazuk and Standing Committee member […]
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization Spring Fund Drive hit the $35,000 mark May 11, with more money coming in daily. The fund drive aims at raising $130,000, allowing for an expansion of our national office, more publications and putting more full-time organizers in the field. The find drive comes at […]
On May 1, 2023, working and oppressed people around the world will celebrate International Workers Day. This year, Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) calls on our comrades, friends and allies to uphold the revolutionary tradition of celebrating May 1. Celebrate by holding demonstrations, marches and programs in cities throughout the […]
El 1 de mayo de 2023, las personas trabajadoras y oprimidas de todo el mundo celebrarán el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Este año, la Organización Socialista Camino a la Libertad (OSCL) llama a nuestros camaradas, amigos y aliados a mantener la tradición revolucionaria de celebrar el 1 de mayo. […]
To: Communist Party of the PhilippinesFrom: Freedom Road Socialist Organization Dear Comrades, The cowardly murders of Benito Tiamzon, the chairman of the CPP Executive Committee, and Wilma Austria-Tiamzon, General Secretary, by U.S.-commanded troops of the Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP), are towering crimes that will never be forgiven of […]
Dear Comrades, On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), Freedom Road Socialist Organization sends warm and militant greetings. The achievements of the NDFP are legion and inspiration to revolutionaries everywhere. We are certain that efforts of the NDFP […]