Greeting from the Communist Party of India (ML) Red Flag

15th June 2004

Dear Comrades,

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Flag extends its greetings to the 4th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. We hope that the Congress will be a great success and that your organization will be further strengthened through process.

Increasing attacks of Imperialism upon the people of the world and the increasing resistance of the people marks this period. Imperialism today is led by US imperialism. Hence, the importance of organizing the working class and the communist party within the US cannot be underestimated. The Central Committee of the CPI (ML) Red Flag, therefore lauds your attempts in this direction and pledges its support to your party in all future endeavours in this direction.

We are of the view that the most important task facing communists at the international level is the reorganization of the communists internationally – the reorganization of the parties at the national levels and the formation of a platform at the international level to formulate a General Line for the communist movement and to move towards the formation of a new international. This can only be done by fighting both revisionism and sectarianism at all levels. We recognize the comradeship of your party in this great international task.

Once again wishing all success to your party and congratulating it for successfully holding the 4th Congress,

Your comrade,

Sanjay Singhvi
For, Central Committee,
CPI (ML) Red Flag