Join us on May 4th for a panel discussion on state repression of our movements & lessons from the struggle. When our movements are under attack, the only way to win is to fight back. In light of the arrests and brutality at Emory while students were protesting for Gaza, we will have folks who were arrested speak about the violence they faced at the hands of APD and GSP.
Snacks provided before panel.
Saturday May 4th
For Keeps Bookstore
171 Auburn Ave NE

Join us Friday, May 3rd at Union Park as we march for May Day!
Leading up to our March on the DNC, we will continue to rally around our central demands that unify us. We must defend labor and immigrant rights, and demand an end to the genocide in Palestine. Come out next Friday to stand up for our rights and celebrate International Worker’s Day!

International Workers-May Day is tomorrow!
April 28th at 11 am at Lake Cliff Park in Dallas
Carry your umbrellas just in case but it’s gonna be a hot labor summer!
Here’s the run of Events:
11 am: start- welcome address and demands
11:15 am: songs+ poetry
12 pm: speeches
1 pm: Karaoke Contest- best 🏆 🏆: American Trade Unionism by William Z Foster
T Shirt Making contest- best 🏆 🏆: Art from Labor Notes
2 pm: socializing+networking
4 pm: close
Happy International Workers Day!

May 5th, 1pm
51 Park Drive, Dayton, OH
International Workers Day Cookout
Celebrate Workers’ Struggle

May 1, 7-10pm – location TBD – visit @frsodc for more information
May Day celebrates the historic struggles and gains workers have made in our battle against exploitation and our fight for freedom! Join us Wednesday, May 1st as we commemorate this special day by hosting a panel on our local organizing and struggles, and their relation to the labor movement, labor history, and more! ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

May 1, 6pm
Colorado State Capitol
200 East Colfax Ave, Denver, CO
Join us at the Colorado State Capitol on Wednesday, May 1st at 6pm!
Every year on International Workers Day, millions of people take to the streets around the world, commemorating workers’ struggles of the past and building power for the future.
On May 1st this year, workers will show the world our strength, power, and determination to struggle for a free Palestine, with massive demonstrations in every corner of the world. Workers from all sectors of society will be in the streets for an end to the genocide, an end to the occupation, and a free Palestine, from the river to the sea!

May 1, 6pm
Colorado State Capitol
200 East Colfax Ave, Denver, CO
Join us at the Colorado State Capitol on Wednesday, May 1st at 6pm!
Every year on International Workers Day, millions of people take to the streets around the world, commemorating workers’ struggles of the past and building power for the future.
On May 1st this year, workers will show the world our strength, power, and determination to struggle for a free Palestine, with massive demonstrations in every corner of the world. Workers from all sectors of society will be in the streets for an end to the genocide, an end to the occupation, and a free Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Tuesday, April 30th
East Congregational Church
100S Giddings Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI

May 1, 6pm
501 W Adams St, Jacksonville, FL
Join us on May 1st to demand better conditions for ALL workers. In the spirit of May Day, we will be speaking out for workers across the globe, as we understand the fight for workers’ rights is an international fight.
Bring a friend & a sign & we’ll see you at the Courthouse at 6 PM on May 1st!

May 1st, 4:30pm
Mariachi Plaza
May 1st Boyle Heights – May Day ✊🏽🚩
Demands 👉🏽 Legalization for all, defend public education, community control of the police.
Sponsored by Centro CSO

Saturday May 4 Join us to mark May Day- international workers day- with a forum about class struggle unionism. Leaders from the workers’ movement will discuss the history of May Day and the current state of the movement.
The panel will be on May 4 at 1:30 pm at Nora Navra library, 1902 St. Bernard Ave.

Stand with home attendants this May Day in their fight to end brutal 24 hour shifts!
🕐 12:00PM
Join us and the @aiwcampaign to demand City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams bring the #nomore24 act to a vote! We must fight together to take back our health, time, and lives!

Join us for a May Day march and rally with @frsoportland @ilpsportland as we come together to fight for workers and immigrants rights!
May 1st, 2024 at Lownsdale Square – 1 pm

It’s here once again! Mark your calendars for May 1st — May Day/International Workers’ Day is one month away and the May Day Coalition of San Jose is bringing May Day to downtown.
🇵🇸✊ This May Day season, we want to emphasize the solidarity that workers of all nations share. With the unfolding genocide in Gaza, we feel it’s important for workers to recognize that the labor struggles we face here in the U.S. are deeply intertwined with the national, anticolonial struggles going on across the world.
🗓️ Throughout April we will be holding a variety of educationals and events leading up to our march, so stay tuned on this account for further updates!

Join us on May 4 for our May Day panel celebrating workers and immigrants in struggle over the last year and into next year! We’ll have panelists from several different workplace campaigns including Homegrown, UAW 4121, and more – stay tuned for the full panel list coming soon.
Fight for worker and immigrants rights!
Celebrate international workers day!

This year as part of our May Day celebrations, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization is proud to stand with @laresistencianw and all who fight for justice for workers and immigrants.
We will be picketing and rallying at the Northwest Detention Center on Sunday May 5th at 1pm, bringing trade union tactics to the fight to free all detainees!
Join us at 7pm on May Day (May 1st) to build picket signs and discuss the proud history of International Workers Day.
Celebrate International Workers Day!
Defend Workers’ and Immigrants’ Rights!
Justice for Charles Leo Daniel!
Shut Down the NWDC!

Join FRSO Tallahassee for our TENTH annual May Day celebration! ✊🚩🔥
WHEN: SUNDAY, April 28th @ 1pm
WHERE: Florida Historic Capital
On this May Day, we will show that the revolutionary spirit of the working class is alive and well in 2024. Unions are waging fierce battles and reviving the strike. Chicanos and Latinos are mobilizing and steeling themselves against escalated militarization at the U.S.-Mexico border. The people of Palestine are shaking off the chains of U.S. imperialism and leading a heroic resistance that will set their people free. Revolution is in the air, and the masses of workers and oppressed peoples are on the move.
The working class is the class of the future! We have nothing to lose but our chains! ⛓️💥

Join Freedom Road Socialist Organization in Tucson for TWO International Workers’ Day events on May 1st and May 4th!
📣 Protest outside Davis Monthan Air Force Base on May Day, May 1st, at 5pm to show that U.S. Labor stands with Palestine! We demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and a Free Palestine!
📖 Join our rank-and-file union members on Saturday, May 4th, for a study and discussion of the FRSO program, “Class Struggle on the Shop Floor.” We will be meeting at Revolutionary Ground at 2pm!

Join Freedom Road Socialist Organization in Tucson for TWO International Workers’ Day events on May 1st and May 4th!
📣 Protest outside Davis Monthan Air Force Base on May Day, May 1st, at 5pm to show that U.S. Labor stands with Palestine! We demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and a Free Palestine!
📖 Join our rank-and-file union members on Saturday, May 4th, for a study and discussion of the FRSO program, “Class Struggle on the Shop Floor.” We will be meeting at Revolutionary Ground at 2pm!

May 1st, 5:00pm
3000 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN
March and Rally
Initiated by MIRAC & MN Workers United

Celebrate International Workers Day with Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Saturday, May 4th 6-8pm
New City Center
3104 16th Avenue South, Minneapolis
Dinner will be served
Childcare and Spanish translation available

May 5, 1:30pm
Lincoln Ave & Bay Street